11 kW charging station with permanently connected charging cable according to IEC 62196-2 type 2

  • Made in Germany

An overview of important functions

Type 2 charging plug
Type 2 charging plug
IP54 - suitable for outdoors
IP54 - suitable for outdoors
Fast 3-phase charging
Fast 3-phase charging
DC residual current protection
DC residual current protection
For private charging at home
For private charging at home
Protected by an RFID card
Protected by an RFID card
Notifiable only
Notifiable only
Plug & Charge ISO 15118 certified
Plug & Charge ISO 15118 certified
Energy management
Energy management
LED charge indicator
LED charge indicator
Dynamic load management
Dynamic load management
TechniVolt Home App
TechniVolt Home App
4G LTE-Modul
4G LTE-Modul
Suitable for an OCPP backend
Suitable for an OCPP backend
Alternative Ladestation
Alternative charging station

Also available as TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART with the same range of functions but a lower charging power of up to 11 kW.

Technical data

Article data

5 m
10,76 kg
8,39 kg
34 x 66 x 11,2 cm
48 x 71,3 x 22,2 cm

Show all technical details

Scope of delivery

TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART charging station, front glass pane, assembly instructions, operating instructions, assembly template, fastening set (4x Fischer SXRL 8 x 60 FUS A4), angle key (Torx-TR 20), locking screw for glass pane (Torx-TR 20 M4), 2x user RFID card


Für privates Laden zuhause

For private and semi-public charging

The TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART enables fast and safe charging at home. Charging at the conventional socket is not only associated with significantly longer charging times, but also with a high security risk. In addition, having your own wallbox at home offers a great advantage over public charging stations: You yourself decide on the electricity provider and thus on the electricity price for charging your e-car.

The TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART can be installed in a variety of ways under the carport, in the underground car park or in the driveway - i.e. wherever you normally park your electric car. For those who do not want or are not allowed to damage the structure of a wall (third-party property), it can also be mounted on a column.

At the same time, thanks to its functions, the TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART can also be ideally used as a charging station in semi-public spaces. The wallbox is suitable when a controlled charging infrastructure is to be created, e.g. charging points on the company premises, in parking garages or the supermarket parking lot.

EEBUS erfüllt die Anforderungen nach §14a Energiewirtschaftsgesetz (EnWG) wonach ab 01. Januar 2024 neu installierte Ladestationen mit mehr als 4,2 kW Leistung vom Netzbetreiber steuerbar sein müssen. Mittels EEBUS kann eine gestufte Steuerung der Wallbox auf einen Leistungswert von 4,2 kW durch den Netzbetreiber erfolgen.

Ermöglicht einfache Plug & Play-Anbindung an Energiemanagement-Systeme

Entspricht Anwendungsregel VDE AR-E 2829-6.

NEU: TechniVolt Home App für vollen Überblick

Einfach, übersichtlich und informativ: Mit der TechniVolt Home App haben Sie im Heimnetzwerk jederzeit Ihre Wallbox und die damit verbundenen Ladevorgänge im Blick. Bequem von der Couch aus erhalten Sie live Informationen zum aktuellen Ladestatus der Box, verwalten die Zugangskarten der verschiedenen Benutzer oder betrachten und exportieren Statistiken zu den Ladevorgängen.

Wichtige Information: Bevor Sie die App nutzen können, müssen Sie die Software der Wallbox aktualisieren. Die Installationsdatei samt Anleitung finden Sie im Downloadbereich.

Nach dem Öffnen der App sehen Sie Ihr genutztes Wallbox-Modell sowie dessen aktuellen Betriebsstatus. Hier wechseln Sie zudem bequem zwischen verschiedenen hinterlegten Wallboxen hin und her.
Wichtige Kennzahlen zum aktuellen Ladevorgang, wie Ladeleistung, Ladedauer und die geladenen Kilowattstunden, sind live einsehbar.
Wer hat wann wieviel geladen? Die Statistik bietet einen Überblick zu allen Ladevorgängen aller hinterlegten Nutzer. Inklusive Möglichkeit, die Auswertungen für festgelegte Zeiträume herunterzuladen.
Fügen Sie in der App sehr einfach mehrere Wallboxen hinzu. Ideal für mehr als nur eine Wallbox zuhause, in einer Wohnanlage oder auf dem Firmengelände.
Für jeden Nutzer lassen sich in nur einem Schritt individuelle RFID-Karten zur Autorisierung des Ladevorgangs registrieren. Die Ladevorgänge lassen sich für jede RFID-Karte separat auswerten.
Nach dem Öffnen der App sehen Sie Ihr genutztes Wallbox-Modell sowie dessen aktuellen Betriebsstatus. Hier wechseln Sie zudem bequem zwischen verschiedenen hinterlegten Wallboxen hin und her.
Wichtige Kennzahlen zum aktuellen Ladevorgang, wie Ladeleistung, Ladedauer und die geladenen Kilowattstunden, sind live einsehbar.
Wer hat wann wieviel geladen? Die Statistik bietet einen Überblick zu allen Ladevorgängen aller hinterlegten Nutzer. Inklusive Möglichkeit, die Auswertungen für festgelegte Zeiträume herunterzuladen.
Fügen Sie in der App sehr einfach mehrere Wallboxen hinzu. Ideal für mehr als nur eine Wallbox zuhause, in einer Wohnanlage oder auf dem Firmengelände.
Für jeden Nutzer lassen sich in nur einem Schritt individuelle RFID-Karten zur Autorisierung des Ladevorgangs registrieren. Die Ladevorgänge lassen sich für jede RFID-Karte separat auswerten.
Fast charging with 11 kW

Fast charging with 11 kW

With the charging power of 11kW, you can also charge an electric vehicle with a larger battery capacity quickly and effectively. Use the simplified charging calculator to see the time in which the TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART fully charges your vehicle from 0 to 100. The times determined are theoretical, maximum loading times. The common recommendation is to charge an e-car with a remaining battery capacity of approx. 20% to approx. 80% of the total battery capacity.

Charging time calculator with the TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART

0 hour charging time
Protected by an RFID card

Protected by an RFID card

If the e-charging station is freely accessible in the driveway or carport, access protection is useful to prevent unauthorized persons from charging. You can use the supplied master card to register up to 20 user cards on the TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART. Two user RFID cards are already included in the scope of delivery to enable convenient and safe charging only after prior authorization. You can train any other RFID card as user cards at any time.

LED status display LED-Zustandsanzeige

LED status display

The colored light ring indicates the readiness for charging or the current charging process. In this way, you always stay informed about the operating status of the wallbox in a simple and understandable way.

Lower installation costs thanks to integrated DC residual current detection

Lower installation costs thanks to integrated DC residual current detection

Now it's getting very technical, but also important! The TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART already has an integrated electronic detection of smooth DC residual currents in the range of IΔn ≥ 6 mA, as prescribed by DIN EN 61851-1 for electric vehicles. It ensures that the vehicle's power supply is disconnected in the event of a DC fault current greater than 6 mA. For the electrician who connects the wallbox, this means that he only needs a type A residual current circuit breaker, which is significantly cheaper than a type B switch.


Energy management

The TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART can be integrated into an energy management system, e.g. a compatible photovoltaic system (PV system) can be integrated using the EEBUS protocol via LAN in order to charge an electric vehicle if there is excess PV. If the PV system generates more electricity than is consumed in the household, charge your electric car for free with excess PV.

Geschützt gegen Wind und Wetter

Protected against wind and weather

The flexible use of the TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART is due not least to the nature of its housing. Since it is suitable for installation outdoors, this wallbox is well and securely encapsulated from the outside. However, a wallbox is also exposed to other external influences, not just pure rainwater. Because dust or even unauthorized handling can reduce the charging capacity or damage the wallbox. That is why the TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART has protection class IP54. This means that it is well protected against dust, unwanted contact and splash water. This protection class is particularly important, otherwise better weather protection must be provided, which in turn causes additional costs. The TECHNIVOLT 1100 SMART includes weather protection.


Load management

If a parking lot is supplied with several charging points (charging stations), the house connection, the supply line or the branch of a sub-distribution is the limiting factor for the charging current at the charging point. This limitation represents the upper limit of the charging current to be distributed.

TechniVolt's load management offers the possibility of optimally aligning the charging current from several charging points with the maximum available current and distributing it to the connected electric cars.

The load sharing can be static, dynamic and time-dependent. This means that a limited, shared power supply is not overloaded.

Die Installation? Nur vom Fachmann!

The installation? Only by a specialist!

The wallbox may only be connected by a professional electrician or power grid operator. First of all, it is important to control the total electrical power of the connection. As some house connections allow a total power of up to 43 kW - charging via an 11 kW wallbox is usually possible without any problems. Often, however, connection to the house provides a total power of only about 22 kW. If, in addition to the charging station in the household, the current consumption is high, it will be difficult to charge the e-car with a constant charging power of 11 kW.

Passendes Zubehör

Cable and plug holder type 2

Cable and plug holder type 2

RFID card

RFID card